Part 1: Diabetes and Hearing Loss Are you diabetic or prediabetic? If you answered yes, regular hearing testing should be incorporated into your ongoing healthcare routine. Diabetes is a vascular disease that can affect blood vessels throughout the body, which includes the ear and all of the organs within the …
I’m Confused! Hearing Screening, Hearing Testing, Hearing What?
My Insurance Company Offered a Free Hearing Test, Why Are You Charging Me for Services? Screening vs. Testing, what’s the difference? Several patients have advised that they are confused by marketing pieces received from their managed care insurance plan regarding hearing healthcare. Oftentimes, a “routine hearing exam” is marketed and …
Why not just buy hearing aids from Costco?
Why not buy hearing aids from Costco? Hearing health is a huge market with numerous options and working your way through the process of hearing testing to hearing aids can be quite confusing. While it can be tempting to go cheaper on your hearing aids by going to Costco, most …
Hearing Loss and Your Overall Health
Your hearing can be related to many aspects of your overall health, including physical and social well-being. Research has indicated that hearing loss is about twice as common in adults with Type 2 diabetes compared to those without the disease. In addition, adults with pre-diabetes have a 30% higher rate …
Oticon Better Hearing Challenge
Take the Oticon Better Hearing Challenge! Can your current devices stand up to the challenge? Did you know that we hear with our brains and not our ears? Oticon More™ hearing devices give the brain more of what it needs to make better sense of sound, so you can get …
New Year, New You?
January is usually a time for resolutions. Have you committed to anything new this year? Are you going to make healthier food choices or commit to being more adventurous? Have you considered making your hearing health a priority? Did you know that studies have found a link between hearing loss …
Meet our Second Charlie Bucy Project Winner Mr. Garraway!
Mr. Garraway is a long time patient of Dr. Jahed’s, and has been with her as a patient since before Freedom Hearing Center was even a dream. He is a very kind gentleman and many times, he brings fresh vegetables to share when he visits. Dr. Jahed always looks forward …
Meet our very first Charlie Bucy Project hearing aid recipient Mrs. C!
Earlier this week, Dr. Diaz had the pleasure of fitting this lovely lady with a new set of hearing aids! Mrs. C is one of two people being fit, courtesy of The Charlie Bucy Project! Mrs. C was struggling to hear, and her family noticed her challenges. They purchased an …
Charlie Bucy Project
Have you heard about The Charlie Bucy Project? Starting in January of this year, Freedom Hearing Center began The Charlie Bucy Project. This project came about as a result of a hearing aid give away that we did for Better Hearing Month in 2019. The idea was to have anyone …