Why Should You Bring a Loved One With You to Your Hearing Evaluation?

Why Should You Bring a Loved One With You to Your Hearing Evaluation?

One of the main reasons we ask you to bring a loved one or family member with you is because they are usually the first ones to notice your hearing challenges, they understand your environment and listening needs, and can provide pertinent information during the evaluation.  A diagnostic hearing evaluation is a process that evaluates your entire hearing system.  An Audiologist will perform several tests to check the functionality of your entire hearing mechanism from your outer ear (Is there wax?), to your middle ear (Is there fluid?), and from your inner ear (What’s the softest beep you can hear?) all the way up to your auditory (hearing) nerve (How well do you understand/process words/sentences with and without noise?). After your testing has been completed, your Audiologist will review your results with you.  Depending on how familiar you are with the hearing system, the information provided could be overwhelming.  It is beneficial to have someone with you to remember the information and/or ask any questions that will help you understand and evaluate your hearing results and the options available to you for treatment.  Another benefit would be having a familiar voice with you should you decide to participate in a listening demonstration.  Having a familiar voice will give you an immediate determination as to the sound quality of the devices.  In addition, we have found that having the support of a family member or loved one that understands your needs and the benefits of treatment, are helpful when making a decision regarding your hearing healthcare.